4-Tolled publications come in two formats:
- Duplication Masters: Allows you to print multiple copies of music.
- Single Copy: Purchase a single reference copy for your own use. (This single copy is not for distribution to your ensemble.)
- Click “Add to Cart” to put your selections into the shopping cart (pick appropriate edition, as listed above). If you purchase a handbell or instrument solo that comes with a free MP3 of the accompaniment, be sure to download that too.
- When you’re done shopping click “Check out with PayPal,” which will take you to the PayPal site.
- Pay for your purchases. PayPal allows you to use a credit card, if you do not have a PayPal account.
- A confirmation page will pop up with links to your scores.
- Download the PDFs of your scores. The links expire in 120 hours, so download them right away!
- Keep your downloaded scores in a folder, so they won’t get lost. (Name the folder something that you’ll remember and will be easy for you to find.)
- Read the “License Agreement,” as it explains the permissions, in detail.
- Print out your music and enjoy!
If the links expire, or you encounter other problems, contact me (belligos@gmail.com) and I will come to your rescue!
License agreements are specific to each title, because the performing forces vary for each composition. Below is a typical example of a “Duplication Master” and “Single Copy” license.

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