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Sarabande, Solo Edition OR Single Copy

3 oct. handbell solo; OR keyboard solo; OR 3-5 oct. handbell choir. This sensitive, versatile setting of Corelli’s famous lovely tune sports five performance versions. Go baroque with a solo English horn and harpsichord/cello B.C accompaniment! Perfect for social distance performance! Lvl. 2. Cat. no. 4T7S. ©1994.

Order this item for performance options #3, 4 or 5; OR one review copy of the handbell score.


  1. Handbells and/or chimes (3-5 oct.).
  2. Handbells/chimes with solo C instrument or English horn, and opt. cello.
  3. Bell solo (3 oct., E5-B6) with keyboard accompaniment and opt. cello.
  4. Solo C instrument or English horn, with keyboard accompaniment and opt. cello.
  5. Harpsichord, piano or organ solo.

Handbell choir, handchimes, bell solo, C instrument, English horn, cello, harpsichord, piano, organ

A versatile arrangement with 5 performance options, including a bell solo, or solo harpsichord option!

Single and solo copy: $7.00 US

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